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Soul Astrology Consultation (Online)

Astrology discover your soul purpose in this incarnation

1 小
150 紐西蘭幣


Soul-centred astrology is based on Alice bailey's teaching of esoteric astrology, is an astrology that no longer just focus on your personality, instead, it foucus on your soul's purpose and how you merge your personality with your soul in this incarnation. In esoteric astrology, every single planet will have its own personality and its own soul energy including earth, that will affect our soul's evolution in a huge way. In this reading, i will send you a written report and 1hr zoom session to discuss with you what i discoverd in your soul prints that written in heaven. Please send me info as below at least a week before the session: Date of birth Birth place Time of the birth (very specific)



Karori, Wellington, New Zealand

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